Roy Hyatt: Cops say Roy Stephen Hyatt is a convicted sex offender on the run who still has an appetite for children. Police are looking for him on charges of downloading, possessing, and possibly distributing child pornography.
Anthony Harris: Father of five daughters Jesse Brown was murdered on August 25, 2006 in a senseless crime has shocked a community and torn a family apart. Now Anthony "Tone" Harris -- the man cops say is responsible -- is on the run, and police need your help to find him.
Jose Lopez: Jose Orlando Lopez has been deported twice for crimes committed in the U.S., and authorities still can't seem to get rid of him. They say Lopez has so little respect for this country that he raped a stranger on a busy street in New York . Police believe he's running from his latest charges from 2004 to prevent being deported, again.
Special Ops: Coast Guard Feature: The U.S. Coast Guard broke drug interdiction records in 2007, seizing 355,755 pounds of cocaine with a street value of more than $4.7 billion. This week, AMW’s Tom Morris takes you to San Diego , Calif. for an inside look at what makes the Coast Guard so successful.
Joseph Garcia: In the border town of Laredo , Texas , walk a few steps and you could be in an entirely different country. But without going anywhere, Laredo teens face the temptation of crossing into another world: a world in which greed, money, and drugs reign supreme. Cops say a kid named Joseph Allen Garcia fell prey to the lifestyle's allure, and now they hope AMW will help them find him.
Brianna Denison: A man sought for questioning in 19-year-old Brianna Denison's disappearance has been located and cleared of any involvement in the case. Reno authorities say that the man came forward after seeing news reports about the investigation. Meanwhile, the search effort continues as search dogs have failed to find any indication of the missing teen: Reno cops say they were hoping to get a few more areas canvassed before a snowstorm began.
James Malave: Cops in New York and Pennsylvania have been working together to track down alleged killer James Malave. Now, all of their hard work has paid off: thanks to an AMW tipster, Malave is behind bars.
Kenneth Freeman: Accused child rapist Kenneth John Freeman, described by the U.S. Marshals as the 'King of the Child Exploitation Suspects', is now back in the United States, and AMW cameras were the only ones to catch a glimpse of the elusive fugitive. On November 29, 2007, Freeman's third wife, Maleka May Freeman, was sentenced to 6 months home confinement and 240 hours of community service as part of a 3 year term of probation for lying to two different law enforcement agencies on multiple occasions about knowledge of her husband's whereabouts.
Warren Villalta: Warren Villalta is no longer a free man. An AMW tipster led U.S. Marshals to Puerto Rico, where they found Warren Villalta hiding in a town near San Juan . Villalta is now behind bars in New Jersey.
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